Lobbying Architecture (Campaigning Architecture_AA/UIC Global Workshop 2012)
Stream 1: Alexander Eisenschmidt, professor
How can architecture lobby for itself?
Our stream focuses on interventions in the city, highlighting architectural potentials that play at the interface between public and private, collective and individual, commercial and communal, etc. We understand architecture as a facilitator of existing conditions and less as a problem solver, therefore, we seek to capitalize on what the city has to offer, exploring its hidden or underutilized potentials, and intervenes with pieces of “architectural propaganda” that stages new possibilities of use.
This is a graphic essay that explores the capacity of maps, photographs, narratives, and diagrams as indicators of actions and behaviors through spatial elements. Lobbying architecture is an attempt to make architecture lobby for itself and become a platform to explore new speculative narratives in the built environment.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Lobbying Architecture in Chicago Part 1
Lobbying Architecture in Chicago Part 2
Final share